Summer Book Club
Please join Ruthmarie Mitsch, 1st VP of Programs June 21st from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm via Zoom as she leads our first Book Cub discussion. The first book will be...
The Tool Box: Strategies for Crafting Social Impact
by Jacob Harold
This will be in invaluable recourse as we grow in our philanthropic mission!
Harold's book offers nine tools for making change, but he also stimulates the
imagination through pertinent photographs, provides poems, charts, and definitions
of terms that speak to the variety of ways that we learn.
You are invited to join in a two-hour discussion to learn about the nine tool presented
by Harold and to brainstorm about how some of them might be implemented into
our own strategic planning.
The sessions will begin with an overview by Ruthmarie and then move to a general
discussion of each chapter's "takeaways" with a specific intention of applying them to
our Woman's Club.
For more about the Author and the book, please Click Here.
To purchase the book on Amazon please Click Here.